Wednesday, February 9, 2011


1) Stash: (verb)-To hide of store a object.

Book Example; Courage, I seemed to think, comes to us infinite quantities, like an inheritance, & by being frugal and stashing it away and letting it earn interest, we steadily increase our moral capital & preparation for that day when the account must be drawn down.(pg.40)

My Example: I ended up stashing the evidence before the cops arrived to the crime scene.

Logic-The reason I have an idea of the definition of the word stashing is because i have heard it in several occasions. 

2) Infantry:(noun)-Unit of soldiers who are trained to fight on foot with handguns.

Book Ex: "You have to head for the front & hook up with an Infantry".(pg.42)

My Ex: The Military Infantry helped detonate the bomb.

The reason I figured what the word infantry meant was because the way it was being use in the book example. It relates to the group of soldiers.

3) Decapitate:(verb)-To cut or chop off someones head.

Book Ex: after slaughter, the hogs were decapitated, split down the length of the belly, pried open..(pg.42)

My Ex: The criminal had his head decapitated after committing the crime.

The reason I figured out what decapitate meant was because , Ive heard the word decapitate in several movies.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The 2 Things I Carry

There are many struggles and conflicts in the life cycle of a Human, Many in which involve a variety of tough obstacles. In the book of Tim O'Brien, The Things They Carried he reflects upon the emotions and obstacles he went through during his draft of the Vietnam War. He mentions many of tangible and intangible things he carried with him into combat. He carried the guilt and remorse of going into the battlefield, the fear and dread of killing another human being. Although I never been in a War or put in a tough situation were my life is on the line, I do carry many tangible and intangible items in my life as well, many tangible things I carry are pretty common items such as a cell phone. I mostly try to carry my cell phone with me at all times, its probably the most important item  that I carry in my pocket. Without a phone life would be pretty complicated. It helps me migrate from place to place, it also helps me get updated with any important information. Another tangible item that I carry is my wallet because it contains my my ID and more importantly my funds for the week. But yea those are pretty much the two tangible things I always carry. As far as the intangible items, I don't know I couldn't really think of any.